Friday, 4 January 2008

Welcome to the 2008

Its only just already 2008 and already we have achieved very little. Aldi Renois and the London contingient have been releasing themselves off all over the place like some messy boys with spasms from Cestrian, Heartbreak and the Renault and up here, after a relocation and centralisation of operations, the next two Human Shield records are forming themselves in the main mixing gland, and will be flying at you like so many frisbees of vinyl sometime during February. First up will be Mr. Psik and DNCN's massive 'Kryst' with a remix from Tim Wright closely followed by the terrible metallic groan of a split 12 from Renault and MANASYt. Check the H.S. myspazz page in the coming weeks for taste of whats to come.

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